Thursday, March 3, 2011

Treat others with respect

Assalamualaikum & Good day everyone,

Have you ever being condemned publicly for your appearance, hijab, apparel, etc? Constructive criticism? That is more than acceptable, but not to the extend of humiliating others. For whatever reason, people with good manners do not talk about potentially embarrassing private/sensitive issues in public.

Its not about what filth comes out of a mouth, it's about the filth that exists in the minds and hearts of people. Words are cheap and people say what they know is acceptable and what will be accepted and what people want to hear but what is in ones heart and mind is what matters in the end.

What does Islam teach on manners and dealing with others? True muslim should treat others with respect and open arms. True muslim don't bring filth upon their mouth.

Treating people with respect makes your world nice place to live in, whether it's at home, at office, or out in your community. And it's easy; all you have to do is treat people the way you like to have them treat you. Here are few ideas for us to ponder..

  • Don't ever insult people or make fun of them. *what do you feel when people do the same to your loved ones*
  • Listen to others when they speak.
  • Value other people's opinions.
  • Be considerate of people's likes and dislikes.
  • Don't mock or tease people.
  • Don't talk about people behind their backs.
  • Be sensitive to other people's feelings.
  • Don't pressure someone to do something he/she doesn't want to do.

May we become a better person each day! Becoming a better person takes desire and willingness to look at yourself with brutal honesty. The start of the journey may be bumpy at times, but the results can be very rewarding. Insya'allah...

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